
Showing posts from June, 2022

What is Palmisty

There is a lot you can tell by looking at someone’s hand. Lines and scars can tell you that the person works with their hand, maybe as a sailor, gardener, or woodworker. If someone has hardened fingertips, chances are that they play string internment. According to some traditions, the lines on your hand can tell you your past, present, and future The History of Palmistry  -  Known as Palmistry, Chiromancy, or palm reading, is a practice that has been found all over the world in various forms. “Palm Reading comprises the practice of evaluating a person’s character or future by “reading” the palm of that person’s hand. Various “lines” (“heart line”, “life line”, etc.) and “mounts” (or bumps) (chirognomy), purportedly suggest interpretations by their relative sizes, qualities, and intersections. In some traditions, readers also examine characteristics of the fingers, fingernails, fingerprints and palmar skin patterns (dermatoglyphics) (loosely translated to skin writing), skin t...

What are Ghost? Logical and Paranormal Explanations

What are ghost? Metaphorically ghost are past memories that linger in the present. Throughout history many people have said they seen a ghost. Science has the answers. At times science has yet to give answers to the world's mysteries. Logical Explanation Pareidolia - Have you ever lay on your back, look up at the clouds, and picture what they look like? Have you mistakenly the coat hanger or a mannequin for a person? This is the most common explanation for seeing something of the paranormal. We, as humans, are hard wired to recognize patterns and faces. There are supposed ghost videos where someone sees a “ghost” and all the comments are like: the look is that a ghost? On a closer examination, if just people making familiar shapes out of shadows, poor lighting, and odd angles. That is no one's fault for doing that. That is just millions of years of evolution. There is audio pareidolia as well. This is when using spirited boxes for ghost investigation becomes a problem. How d...

What is Divination?

  What is divination? Short answer:  The process of telling the future  My answer:  Looking at pattern in nature and everyday objects to tell the future.  Mancy is the root word for divination. Any word that ends in mancy meads divinations of. For example, necromancy, necro is the Greek root word for dead, and mancy is the Greek root for divinations. Necromancy means divination of the dead. You have words like Cartomancy. Carte being the French word for card, the mancy of cards. Think tarot cards. One more, this one is an interesting one, and that is apantomancy which is the mancy of encountering animals or things. This is where I believe divination is connected to superstition. Think of a black cat crossing your path or finding a coin on the ground. You encounter a black cat or you encounter a coin laying on the ground. That is apantomancy right there. You are out walking and come across a ladder. Do you walk under it or around it? Instead of luck, you may thin...

Welcome to my new blog

  I decided to create a second blog. My first blog Snapdragon Alcove is for me to geek out about books, and  movies, and write short stories. I figure I needed another place to geek out about the weird stuff I’m into. What is that stuff? Well, the name of the blog gives you a hint. Sometimes I read about the paranormal. Do I believe in it? Long story I find reading about this stuff festinating. Plus, I know many people that experience the paranormal. Years of hearing their stories have led to an interest. I will admit I have seen some “strange” stuff. I don’t know what it could be. I think my interest in the paranormal begin when I was nine. I can probably say it was when I was a little kid watching Scooby-Doo, but that is a cartoon where all the ghosts end up being real people. My first introduction to people saying they have seen ghosts come from a summer camp when I was nine years old. One of the camp councilors was telling everyone in my cabin about the time s...