What are Ghost? Logical and Paranormal Explanations

What are ghost? Metaphorically ghost are past memories that linger in the present. Throughout history many people have said they seen a ghost. Science has the answers. At times science has yet to give answers to the world's mysteries.

Logical Explanation

Pareidolia - Have you ever lay on your back, look up at the clouds, and picture what they look like? Have you mistakenly the coat hanger or a mannequin for a person?

This is the most common explanation for seeing something of the paranormal. We, as humans, are hard wired to recognize patterns and faces.

There are supposed ghost videos where someone sees a “ghost” and all the comments are like: the look is that a ghost? On a closer examination, if just people making familiar shapes out of shadows, poor lighting, and odd angles.

That is no one's fault for doing that. That is just millions of years of evolution.

There is audio pareidolia as well. This is when using spirited boxes for ghost investigation becomes a problem. How do you know you are hearing what you think you hearing?

When video tapping it and editing the words onto the video, you are making it objective for viewers.

Mold/fungi - Mold can cause bad air quality, leading to lung damage lungs and menial distress. Scientists have found that some types of mold can cause anxiety, depression, and hallucinations. Going into an old building is likely to have some mold.

However this may not be for all ghost sightings.

Menial illness - I am not a doctor so I can not give a full detailed take on this. There is a mental illness that can lead people to believe they have seen a ghost.

I will not name any type of mental illness because I might be wrong about it. Plus, it is a slippery slope knowing that two people with the same mental illness can differ completely from each other.

Unexplainable noises could just be the house settling - My grandparent’s house is old. You can not sneak down the stairs without it announcing to everyone in the house that someone is on the stairs.

Wood bends as the temperature changes. I used to play the violin and I have to tune in every time I take it out of the case because the wood and strings flex as the temperature changes. A lot of old houses are made of wood. The house creaking is what you are hearing well laying in bed at night.

Paranormal Explanation 

This is where it becomes belief and theoretical. You may think these are absurd and that’s fine. I like to lay everything out on the table.

Souls trapped on Earth
- This is the most common theory. That soul becomes remains on Earth if they have unfinished business.

Interdimensional Beings - I first heard about this one on Haunted Road Media. If you read enough mythology and theology as I do, then you see that the concept of the other world has been around since the dawn of man. Based on what scientists are researching, we may be close to this idea becoming a reality.

With the possibility of other dimensions, there is a chance that there could be interdimensional beings that can travel between worlds.

Aliens - This can go with the one above. Which brings to question what is an alien? Is it something from outer space or something foreign to our world? I have people who told me that ghosts are aliens that are not physical or from outer space.

Angels and Demons - This can fit into the last two sections. Based on Christianity's beliefs that angels and demons are not physical beings of this world.

Recordings of the Past
- It is theorized that ghosts comprise energy. After a tragic event that the energy gets imprinted into the place where it happens. It is why asylums, prison, and hospitals are said to be the most haunted.

That is all the theories I have. There could be more theories out there. If you have your own please share them in the comments. 
