What is Divination?
What is divination?
Short answer:
The process of telling the future
My answer:
Looking at pattern in nature and everyday objects to tell the future.
Mancy is the root word for divination. Any word that ends in mancy meads divinations of. For example, necromancy, necro is the Greek root word for dead, and mancy is the Greek root for divinations. Necromancy means divination of the dead.
You have words like Cartomancy. Carte being the French word for card, the mancy of cards. Think tarot cards. One more, this one is an interesting one, and that is apantomancy which is the mancy of encountering animals or things. This is where I believe divination is connected to superstition. Think of a black cat crossing your path or finding a coin on the ground. You encounter a black cat or you encounter a coin laying on the ground. That is apantomancy right there. You are out walking and come across a ladder. Do you walk under it or around it? Instead of luck, you may think it safer to walk around it. If you want to walk under the ladder, go ahead and tempt fate.
Now that I explain what divination I will write posts explaining the different types of divination. I don’t really believe this stuff myself, but I find it interesting.
Humans for thousands of years, trying to find meaning and to make scents of this world. So we draw meaning in patterns we see in everyday things.
In an unpredictable world, we pretend we’re in control. By predictable the future, it gives us the illusion that we are.
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